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You Should Never Do THIS With Your Dishwasher Pods

Liudmila Chernetska/Getty Images Liudmila Chernetska/Getty Images Published on Nov. 08, 2024 TikTok users love sharing cleaning hacks, but not all of the advice is good. Recently, they’ve been divided over where to put dishwasher pods. Now Trending CleanTok, the TikTok community, is focused on sharing cleaning tips and tricks, and it always has something new up its sleeve. Some of the advice is good, like teaching people how to make simple homemade cleaners. But other advice is dangerous, like encouraging people to mix ammonia-based cleaners with other products including bleach. So whenever there’s a new trend, it’s worth investigating it carefully. This time, CleanTokers are suggesting a new way to use your dishwasher pods. What’s the Hack? The latest CleanTok hack has to do with where you put your dishwasher pods. According to many users, it’s more efficient to toss the pods in the bottom of the dishwasher or in the silverware portion instead of the detergent dispenser. Their reasoning is that residue from the pods can damage the dispenser. They also fear that the residue will build up and stay on your dishes or cause clogs in the plumbing. By keeping the pods in the center, these TikTokers argue, the pods will dissolve better, and the risk of a clog will be much lower. Where Is the Best Place for Dishwasher Pods Individual machines may vary, so it’s always best to double-check your dishwasher’s manual to confirm its instructions about where to put dishwasher pods. But as a general rule, the pods will work best when they’re put in the detergent dispenser. Familiarize yourself with your machine and it’s manual. Unless your machine has a dedicated pod slot, use the detergent dispenser. Maytag’s instruction manual explains that the pods have a coating that dissolves when it comes into contact with water. By putting them in the detergent dispenser, you can ensure that the pods dissolve at the right point in the dishwasher cycle for maximum efficiency. The manual even directly addresses some of the TikTokers’ concerns, saying, “Although some believe that throwing a pod in the dishwasher protects your dispenser, pods are designed to dissolve when they touch water and may not work if not properly dispersed via the dispenser.” We can’t stop you from trying the hack out for yourself. But dishwasher manufacturers, who are the experts on this subject, say that you’ll be making your pods less effective, and your dishes won’t come out as clean as they would if you used the pods correctly.

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Hot Trends in Home Heating: Electric Wallpaper

Early feedback suggests that electric wallpaper could be an eco-friendly, efficient and affordable alternative to traditional heating systems. We spoke to a leading electric wallpaper manufacturer to understand more about the encouraging results of the product’s pilot trials and how this new technology could benefit your home. What Is Electric Wallpaper? Electric wallpaper is typically installed on ceilings. It contains thin strips of copper and graphene, which utilize infrared technology to produce heat. Michelle Ansell, Project Manager for electric wallpaper manufacturer NexGen, explains that this low-level, invisible-to-the-naked-eye light works similarly to how the sun provides warmth. Traditional convection systems heat the surrounding air, but infrared heats people and objects directly. “The energy from infrared sinks directly into us humans first,” Ansell explains. “Then it’s absorbed into and stored within the furniture and fabric of the building. So walls, floors, and everything you touch has a comfortable, even temperature.” Ansell explains that the NexGen investors wanted to tackle fuel poverty and provide a low-cost, low-carbon, efficient and green heating technology. “Currently, in the UK, we’re targeting social housing,” she says. “We’ve got pilots running up and up and down the country.” One of the major pilots involves a collaboration between researchers at Strathclyde and Glasgow Universities, Glasgow City Council and the West of Scotland Housing Association, with funding from Scotland Beyond Net Zero. Scotland has an ambitious target to reach net zero greenhouse gases by 2045. Given 84 percent of Scottish homes use gas heating, clean energy alternatives to fossil fuels are a priority. The trials are focusing on social housing in old, poorly insulated, mold-prone tenement buildings in Glasgow, and so far, the feedback and results have been positive. Benefits of Electric Wallpaper Below are some reasons why silent, inconspicuous electric wallpaper has the potential to be a viable alternative to traditional home heating methods. Energy-efficient and eco-friendly Electric wallpaper is an energy-efficient, low-carbon home heating option that doesn’t rely on fossil fuels. Hooking the electrics up to roof solar panels makes it even more eco-friendly and cuts your heating bills further. Electric wallpaper heats rooms quickly (within minutes), and because the heat sinks into the objects, the room retains warmth well after you switch it off. Electric wallpaper also covers a large surface area, producing a consistent temperature across the room. Ansell says this avoids those cold spots you get from convection heaters, making it especially useful for hard-to-heat homes. “Every time you open a window or a door, that warm air is not escaping because we’re not heating the air,” she says. “The efficiencies also come because you don’t have to heat the whole home,” Ansell says. “Each room becomes its own targeted individual zone.” Protects against mold Mold thrives on damp surfaces prone to gathering condensation. Because the infrared technology of electric wallpaper generates warmth on and within the surfaces of your home, it can effectively wick away mold-encouraging moisture. Ansell explains that smart technology monitors humidity levels. “If it senses you’re at a point where condensation, damp and mold can form, there is an override switch that can automatically kick in to raise the room’s temperature,” she says. Affordable to buy and install Exact prices are not yet available in the U.S. However, despite electric wallpaper being a new-to-the-market product, you don’t have to worry about it costing an arm and a leg. “In the UK at the moment, we are cheaper than an air source heat pump in terms of physical product and installation,” Ansell says. “We are on par or cheaper than a gas boiler.” Easy to install You don’t want to DIY install electric wallpaper unless you’re a licensed electrician. However, it’s usually easier and quicker to install than a gas boiler or furnace. A decorator can install the rolls of wallpaper to your ceiling with a standard adhesive, and then an electrician will wire it in. “When we install it, all the cables get hidden behind coving or trunking in rooms, just to tidy them away,” Ansell says. You can then paint the ceiling as you would normally. “The only caveat is you can’t put black paint on it,” Ansell says. “It affects the efficiency of the infrared energy coming into the room.” Low-maintenance Another cost-saving and convenient benefit of electric wallpaper is that it’s low maintenance. Ansell describes it as “fit-and-forget.” “We give a 15-year guarantee, but really, it’s the lifetime of the house because there are no moving parts to it, and it’s out of reach,” she says. “The paper is fireproof and water-resistant as well.” Space-saving Electric wallpaper can be beneficial in small, multifunctional rooms with limited wall space. Ansell says the ceiling installation gives people back the space in front of the radiators. Drawbacks of Electric Wallpaper While the trial results are encouraging, electric wallpaper is a new product. Data on true longevity, running costs, and efficiency are still being scrutinized. Plus, if you’re installing electric wallpaper in an existing home rather than a new build construction, you need to factor in the costs associated with removing the existing heating system, and you’ll also need a water heating system. Ansell explains that, with the ceiling installation, electric wallpaper is less prone to damage. However, she cautions, “If you’re moving tall furniture around that might scrape the ceiling, that might damage it.” Is Electric Wallpaper Available in the U.S.? Electric wallpaper isn’t currently widely available in the U.S. However

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Do You Know Why Cars Have a Glow in the Dark Handle Inside the Trunk?

Family Handyman Family Handyman Published on Nov. 15, 2024 Your car has plenty of safety features you may not even realize are there… but this one is sure to catch your eye. Now Trending Ever go to grab something out of the back of your car and get distracted by something glimmering in the dark? You might not even realize it, but many modern vehicles have a glow-in-the-dark handle built into the trunk. Here’s what it’s for and why this safety feature is now commonplace. Glow in the Dark Trunk Handles The reason for these illuminating handles is grim but practical: they’re an emergency release designed to open the trunk if someone is stuck or trapped inside.  Typically, these handles are made out of a glow-in-the-dark material so they can be easily spotted when the trunk is closed. The idea for a technology like this can be traced back to the 1980s when a man named William Proehl requested the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) make emergency trunk handles required by law. Proehl’s idea did not gain much momentum at the time due to a lack of safety data around the topic. But as time went on, more and more cases of kidnappings, trapped children and heat stroke stacked up. By 2002, a law was passed requiring auto manufacturers to include emergency trunk releases in all vehicles. Proehl was named as the petitioner in the NHTSA’s official ruling, which read: “The petitioner stated that persons such as alarm and stereo installers, mechanics, playful children, pranksters, and crime victims may be trapped in the trunk. The petitioner also believed that an elderly person might fall into the trunk and thereby become entrapped. Mr. Proehl asked NHTSA to require an inside trunk release in all new cars to facilitate the release of these victims.” How Do You Use An Emergency Trunk Release? Emergency trunk releases are designed to be as simple to use as possible. Just find the glowing handle and pull; the trunk latch will release, freeing whoever is stuck inside. Next time you open your trunk, take a second to locate your emergency trunk release. You never know when you’ll need it. Source Federal Register, “Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Interior Trunk Release“, 2000

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Mediterranean diet may lower risk of co-occurring heart conditions

Share on Pinterest The Mediterranean diet may lower the risk of developing several cardiometabolic conditions at the same time. Image credit: Gabi Bucataru/Stocksy. The Mediterranean diet has many known health benefits, and experts are still learning about the benefits of this dietary pattern. One study found that following the Mediterranean diet may help decrease the risk of transition from one to multiple cardiometabolic diseases like heart attack and stroke, particularly over shorter timeframes. People can take multiple action steps to help decrease their risk for cardiometabolic multimorbidity. The Mediterranean diet focuses on plant-based foods, uses olive oil, and includes lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. There has been much interest in the health benefits of this diet, particularly when it comes to cardiovascular health . Researchers found that following the Mediterranean diet may decrease the chances of someone going from developing a first cardiometabolic disease to cardiometabolic multimorbidity — multiple co-occurring conditions related to cardiovascular and metabolic health — during 10 and 15-year follow-up periods. As noted in this study, cardiometabolic diseases include conditions like stroke, heart attack, and type 2 diabetes. Having two or more of these conditions is called cardiometabolic multimorbidity. This research wanted to find if following the Mediterranean diet could decrease the risk for first cardiometabolic disease and cardiometabolic multimorbidity. The research included 21,900 participants who did not have heart attack, stroke, or type 2 diabetes at baseline. Researchers measured participants’ adherence to the Mediterranean diet using two scores: pyramid-based Mediterranean diet score and median-based Mediterranean diet score. The median follow-up time was 21.4 years, and researchers looked at the incidences of heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and death. They accounted for covariates like age, education, family history of heart attack or stroke, particular medication use, and physical activity levels. Throughout the study, 5,028 participants experienced one cardiometabolic disease, and 734 participants experienced cardiometabolic multimorbidity. Overall, following the Mediterranean diet had a demonstrated benefit. Looking at both types of Mediterranean dietary scores, researchers found that following this dietary pattern was associated with a decreased risk for cardiometabolic multimorbidity for the 21.4-year follow-up. Researchers next focused on how the Mediterranean diet affected transitioning from first cardiometabolic disease to cardiometabolic multimorbidity. At the 10 and 15-year marks, the Mediterranean diet was associated with a decreased risk of this transition. Further analysis suggested that this observed risk reduction may be particularly related to first experiencing a heart attack or developing type 2 diabetes. However, over the follow-up of more than 20 years, researchers did not find a statistically significant risk reduction for this transition associated with the Mediterranean diet. The researchers also conducted some additional analyses to look at how social class may have played into risk association. Non-manual workers appeared to reap the most benefit from following the Mediterranean diet over the median follow-up of just over 20 years. This group saw a decreased risk for first cardiometabolic disease and a decreased risk for this first instance transitioning to cardiometabolic multimorbidity. In contrast, manual workers did not appear to have this decrease in transition risk. Rigved Tadwalkar, MD, a board-certified consultative cardiologist and medical director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Center at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, who was not involved in this research, shared his thoughts on the study’s findings with Medical News Today. According to Tadwalkar, “the study provides strong evidence that adherence to the Mediterranean diet can significantly lower the risk of transitioning from a first cardiometabolic event, like a heart attack or stroke, to additional cardiometabolic conditions, like type 2 diabetes mellitus.” Moreover, he noted: “The finding that this association is more apparent in shorter follow-up periods [of] 10–15 years suggests that the protective effects of diet are most impactful in earlier stages of disease development. It also highlights how socioeconomic factors, including social class, may modify dietary impacts on health. Specifically, [it highlights] that diet quality and access to Mediterranean foods may be less accessible to some populations.” It is also critical to understand the limitations of this research. For example, the data primarily focused on people of European heritage, which limits generalizability. The participants were also adults aged 40 and older, so looking at younger demographics may be helpful in future research. Researchers did not identify participants who had baseline chronic coronary syndromes, which could have ultimately led to an overestimation of the Mediterranean diet’s effects. They also did not differentiate between stroke subtypes. The researchers only measured participants’ adherence to the Mediterranean at baseline, which could have further affected the results. Moreover, participants also self-reported their dietary choices and adherence, which might not have matched their actual diets. Other information related to lifestyle was also self-reported. Additionally, the scoring methods to measure Mediterranean dietary adherence were not without error risk. The researchers also acknowledged a few possible reasons why adherence to the Mediterranean diet appeared to have the most effect on the transition from first cardiometabolic disease to cardiometabolic multimorbidity at the 10 and 15-year follow-up periods. For one, baseline dietary scores could decrease in accurately reporting diet quality over time. Thus, more research may be needed to look at the long-term effects of the Mediterranean diet on this health area. They also noted a few reasons for the differences between manual and non-manual workers. For example, their research did not look at the specific types of food items, and participants with lower socioeconomic status could

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Dementia: Physical activity of any intensity may help lower death risk

Share on Pinterest Scientists have found cognitive benefits from regular exercise for people at risk for dementia. sofie delauw/Stocksy Exercise is related to many health benefits, and researchers are interested in discovering how physical activity affects specific sub-populations. One study suggests that people who maintain or start physical activity after receiving a dementia diagnosis may be at decreased risk for all-cause mortality. People with dementia can work with doctors, physical therapists, and caregivers to implement helpful physical activity routines. Physical activity can offer multiple benefits , from weight management to decreasing the risk of heart disease. It may also help lower the risk of developing dementia. Another area of interest is the effects of physical activity after dementia has already been diagnosed. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine evaluated the relationship between levels of and changes in physical activity and mortality among people with dementia. The researchers found that maintained physical activity before and after diagnosis was associated with the lowest mortality risk. All levels of sustained physical activity were associated with decreased mortality risk. In addition, the researchers found that starting physical activity after a dementia diagnosis could reduce mortality risk by 20% or more. The results suggest that exercise should be greatly encouraged among people with dementia. As noted by the study authors, Alzheimer’s disease is in the top ten leading causes of death, and the number of people with dementia is continuing to increase. This study aimed to explore how physical activity before and after dementia diagnosis affected mortality risk, taking into account the level and amount of physical activity. The study was a nationwide population-based cohort study. Researchers utilized the Korean National Health Insurance System Database to gather information. The study included over 60,000 individuals ages 40 or older who had received a dementia diagnosis between 2010 and 2016. All participants had gotten health check-ups within two years before and after their dementia diagnosis. The researchers identified people who had dementia based on their use of anti-dementia medications and certain scores that assess dementia. They assessed physical activity using data from the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. The researchers were then able to break down physical activity levels after dementia diagnosis into categories of vigorous, moderate, and light physical activity and note the amount of exercise per week. They defined regular physical activity as engaging in vigorous physical activity for twenty minutes or more at least three times weekly or engaging in moderate physical activity for thirty minutes or more at least five times weekly. They then noted how participants’ activity levels changed before and after dementia diagnosis. The average follow-up time was 3.7 years, and during this time, 16,431 participants died. The researchers were able to look at how physical activity related to all-cause mortality. Overall, the researchers observed “a dose-response association between an increased amount of PA [physical activity] and a decreased risk of all-cause mortality.” 29% decrease in mortality risk The researchers observed that participants who kept doing regular physical activity before and after dementia diagnosis saw the lowest mortality risk compared to participants who remained inactive, with a 29% reduction in mortality risk. Compared to non-active participants, participants who increased their physical activity to at least 1,000 metabolic equivalent of tasks (METs)-minutes a week saw a reduced mortality risk. METs have to do with measuring the amount of energy required to perform physical activities. The researchers also observed a 3% mortality risk reduction for every 100 METs-minutes per week that participants increased physical activity following their dementia diagnosis. There was also a slight reduction in mortality risk for participants with all-cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease who ceased regular physical activity after diagnosis. When looking at intensity levels of physical activity, researchers observed that in participants with all-cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, maintaining physical activity helped decrease mortality risk, with similar risk reductions in categories of light, moderate, and vigorous physical activity. Among participants with vascular dementia, researchers saw that sustained light or vigorous physical activity was linked to lower mortality risk. Eric D. Vidoni, PT, PhD, an associate professor of neurology with the KU Medical Center, the University of Kansas, who was not involved in the study, noted the following about the study’s findings to Medical News Today: “Capturing dementia diagnoses and physical activity on a national level adds compelling evidence to what we already know — that maintaining physical activity supports health, even after a dementia diagnosis. [O]ne of the interesting findings in this study was that light activity held almost as much benefit as moderate and vigorous activity.” Some limitations exist for this research. First, the study focused on Korean individuals, so there should be caution in generalizing the findings. Additional research with greater diversity could be helpful. Over 60% of participants were women, so it may also be helpful to include more men in future research. Second, physical activity levels and other lifestyle habits relied on self-reports from participants, which could have had varying levels of accuracy. However, participants could receive help from caregivers in answering questions. It is also possible that people who had less severe dementia and better functionality were more likely to maintain their physical activity levels. Thirdly, researchers acknowledge that reverse causality is possible. Fourth, using administrative data to note dementia might not perfectly match actual dementia diagnoses. The researchers also lacked data on the type of physical activity that participants did

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Diabetes, weight-loss drugs: Do they protect heart, vascular health?

Share on Pinterest Popular diabetes drugs have been linked with a lower risk of experiencing a second stroke or a heart attack. Image credit: andresr/Getty Images. About 12.2 million new strokes are diagnosed each year. One in four stroke survivors will experience another stroke. Stroke survivors are at an increased risk of developing major heart issues, such as heart attack. A new study says that type 2 diabetes medications GLP-1 agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors may help lower a stroke survivor’s risk of experiencing a subsequent stroke, heart attack, or death, compared to those who did not take these medications. According to the World Stroke Association , one in four adults over the age of 25 will have a stroke during their lifetime, and there are about 12.2 million new strokes diagnosed each year. Previous research shows that one in four stroke survivors will experience another stroke, and people who have a stroke are at a higher risk of developing major heart issues during the first month after their stroke, such as heart attack — clinically known as myocardial infarction. Past studies show that stroke survivors can possibly decrease their secondary stroke and heart attack risk through lifestyle changes — such as moving more, eating a healthy diet, and not smoking — and medications. For this study, researchers analyzed medical data for more than 7,000 adults who had an ischemic stroke — the most common type of stroke caused by a blood clot in the artery that brings blood to the brain — between January 2000 and June 2022. Researchers looked at whether or not study participants had been prescribed either a GLP-1 agonist or SGLT2 inhibitor medication after their initial stroke. “GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors are two types of medications often used to help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar,” M. Ali Sheffeh, MD, an internal medicine resident at the Henry Ford Medical Center in Warren, MI, research scholar in the Cardiovascular Department at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and lead author of this study explained to Medical News Today. “They also have benefits for heart and kidney health, which has led to their use in patients with certain heart conditions or those at risk of cardiovascular disease,” Sheffeh continued. “These drug classes have been studied over the last few years in randomized clinical trials and have shown better cardiovascular outcomes in patients with obesity, diabetes, heart failure, and chronic kidney disease,“ he added. After an average follow-up of three years, Sheffeh and his team found that stroke survivor participants taking either a GLP-1 or SGLT2 medication had a 74% lower mortality risk and 84% lower risk of having a heart attack, compared to those not taking these drugs. And participants taking either medication also had a decreased risk of experiencing a secondary stroke, compared to those not taking them. “The current guideline for stroke prevention recommends the use of blood thinners, controlling blood pressure, and cholesterol lowering medication in addition to lifestyle modification in order to decrease the risk of a second stroke,” said Sheffeh. “If our findings are externally validated, that might lead to changing practice and we might start prescribing these medications for patients with stroke to prevent future events,” he pointed out. After reviewing this study, Sandra Narayanan, MD, a board-certified vascular neurologist and neurointerventional surgeon, of the Pacific Neuroscience Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, who was not involved in this research, told MNT that she was surprised at powerful the positive response was for both agents to reduce the likelihood of achieving the composite endpoint — mortality, heart attack, or recurrent ischemic stroke. “Two major barriers stroke and myocardial infarction patients struggle with are compliance and education,” she continued. Furthermore, “survey-type research addressing prescribing practices might be informative to assess knowledge among prescribers — internists, family physicians, endocrinologists, and stroke neurologists — before and after dissemination of disease-specific studies,” said Narayanan. MNT also spoke with Mir Ali, MD, a board certified general surgeon, bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA, about this study. “I thought it was an interesting study showing another benefit of these medications, so it’s always good to see medications that are helping,” Ali said. As this study showed a potential benefit of these medications, Ali said it was hard to determine at this point how might GLP-1 and SGLT2 medications be positively impacting the heart. “It would be interesting to see how this is helping patients — if it is an independent effect of just the medication itself, or is it secondary to weight loss or better for glucose control,” he added. “A study designed to kind of tease out these details would be helpful.”

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Vancouver residents speak out against Broadway Plan high-rise development

A group of Vancouver residents are speaking out against a proposed 18-storey high-rise development for W 14th Street and Yukon. “It doesn’t feel like the most appropriate thing for this area,” said Graeme Webber, a resident who lives in the neighbourhood. “It feels like a cash grab.” Signs in the neighbourhood posted on lawns read ‘Save 14th & Yukon’. The 100+ unit building was proposed as part of the city’s Broadway Plan to add more density along the new Broadway subway line. The neighbourhood currently boasts primarily detached homes or small apartment buildings approximately three-stories high. “Densification is important,” said Webber. “But it’s already a densely packed neighborhood.” Webber says he’s concerned that public services wouldn’t be able to handle an influx of residents. He tells CTV News that his son is currently on a waitlist to attend a nearby kindergarten. “As it is right now, we have to drive twenty minutes to get my kid to his elementary school,” said Webber. Eleanor Clark offered her support to the group, despite living several blocks away. She tells CTV News that another Broadway Plan development near Birch and 13th Street will eventually force her to move. “It’s happening everywhere,” said Clark. “I think they need to actually talk to people – talk to people that live in houses that are being destroyed, or four-story walk-ups that are being destroyed, and find out their stories and what it means to be displaced.” The Broadway Plan was approved in June 2022 and aims to transform a large section of Broadway into a second downtown. “I recognize change is difficult,” said Lisa Dominato, Vancouver City councilor. Dominato wouldn’t comment specifically on the development at 14th and Yukon, as the proposal still has to go before a public hearing, but she speak on the Broadway Plan’s vision. “We are trying to be responsive to what we’ve heard year after year after year is the issues of housing need, addressing the lack of the rental vacancy in the city, the inability to live here, to address affordability,” said Dominato. Dominato acknowledged that federal funding is needed to improve infrastructure, adding how City staff are currently reviewing the Broadway Plan and a new report is expected in the coming months. “We’re working collaboratively with the province, with the federal government to advocate for more infrastructure dollars to support the housing. They go hand in hand.” This comes as Council approved its first Broadway Plan high-rise on Thursday after a lengthy public hearing. The building is set for East 10th and St. George. For Webber, he hopes the city takes a close look at what makes sense for each neighbourhood. “We’d like it to be done more thoughtfully, more intentionally and not just trying to maximize density and put the smallest units in the tallest buildings possible,” said Webber. 

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8 Fun Activities To Add To Your Winter Bucket List

Winter in the Lower Mainland is nothing short of magical, with plenty of festive events and cozy activities to make the season unforgettable. Whether you’re seeking a relaxing retreat, a fun family outing, or a romantic date night, this Winter Activities Guide has got you covered. From rejuvenating spa experiences to sparkling holiday light displays, we’ve rounded up the best spots to help you embrace the winter chill in style. So, grab your loved ones, your friends, or just your holiday spirit, and dive into the winter wonderland waiting for you in and around Vancouver. Vancouver Winter Activities The Hobbit – Pacific Theatre This holiday season, immerse yourself in the enchanting world of J.R.R. Tolkien with The Hobbit , premiering at Pacific Theatre from November 13 to December 21, 2024 . This innovative production features the talented duo Peter Carlone and Tim Carlson in a captivating two-person staging, reimagined by playwright Kim Selody. This adaptation breathes new life into Tolkien’s classic story, presenting the beloved tale of Bilbo Baggins’ unexpected journey and the friendships forged along the way. Photo: Pacific Theatre When Bilbo, a humble hobbit with a penchant for comfort and second breakfasts, opens his door to the mysterious wizard Gandalf, he embarks on an epic adventure filled with trolls, dragons, and treacherous landscapes. The unique format of this production allows the audience to engage deeply with the narrative. The storytelling will capture your imagination as the two performers bring to life a cast of characters.  The intimate setting of Pacific Theatre enhances the experience, allowing for a close connection between the actors and the audience. With only a limited number of seats available, it’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy a heartwarming and visually stunning performance that captures the essence of adventure, bravery, and the spirit of the holidays. Photo: Pacific Theatre Ticket prices start at $20 , making it accessible for families and fans alike. Given the theatre’s small capacity, early booking is essential to secure your spot at what promises to be one of the standout productions of the season. For additional details, including showtimes and ticket availability, visit Pacific Theatre’s official website and follow them on Instagram to keep up with their latest productions. Yuen Foot Massage & Spa Yuen Foot Massage & Spa in Coal Harbour offers the perfect setting for couples seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, and quality time together.  Whether you’re looking to de-stress or enjoy a romantic getaway from the city hustle, Yuen Spa offers a variety of treatments designed for ultimate relaxation.   Photo: Yuen Spa Couples will appreciate the luxurious VIP rooms designed for privacy and comfort, where you can enjoy your massage together, side by side. The spa offers a range of services, including: Signature Reflexology : Tailored to relieve tension and improve circulation, perfect for those looking to relax or address specific muscle tension. Aromatherapy and Deep Tissue Massages : Ideal for couples seeking a soothing experience or deeper muscle relief. Swedish & Hot Stone Massages : Great for a romantic experience, these techniques help restore balance, improve flexibility, and promote relaxation. Yuen Foot Massage & Spa also offers special promotions and packages for couples, including discounted rates for paired massages and group bookings, making it a fantastic choice for date nights, anniversaries, or celebrations. If you’re planning a special event, the spa’s VIP lounge is available for group bookings, where couples can celebrate birthdays or milestones in a serene and elegant environment. The VIP lounge is a one-of-a-kind luxury space in Vancouver, offering elegant décor, premium amenities, and an exclusive atmosphere that transforms from the serene vibe of the rest of the spa into a dynamic setting—perfect for hosting up to 10 guests for unforgettable group celebrations or private gatherings. With new locations opening soon in North Vancouver and Richmond, couples across the region will be able to enjoy the same high-end relaxation experience at these expanded locations.  The new Richmond location will be directly across from Richmond Centre! This location will set a new standard for spa experiences in the area, offering VIP rooms that are larger and designed to accommodate various group sizes—perfect for private events, celebrations, and exclusive gatherings. Photo: Yuen Spa The Richmond spa will feature luxury dark tones and an elegant, modern atmosphere, creating a vibe unlike anything Richmond has ever seen. With unmatched attention to detail and premium amenities, this location promises to redefine relaxation and elevate every visit. To celebrate the opening, they will soon launch special membership promotions, so don’t miss out! Follow them on Instagram at @ yuenspacoalharbour and @ yuensparichmond for updates and exclusive offers. Martini Town This holiday season, experience the magic of the holidays like never before at Martini Town in Langley, BC. From December 4, 2024, to January 5, 2025 , the film backlot will be transformed into Merry & Bright , a festive holiday event that brings together stunning lights, live performances, and family-friendly fun. Whether you’re looking to capture a perfect holiday photo or enjoy seasonal treats with loved ones, Martini Town provides the ideal backdrop for creating lasting memories this season. Photo: Martini Town What’s in Store at Merry & Bright : Stunning Holiday Lights : The backlot will shine bright with dazzling light displays that set the perfect festive atmosphere, ideal for capturing beautiful holiday moments. Live Entertainment : From carolers to bands, enjoy a range of live performances that will add

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Over 20 FREE and cheap holiday events around Vancouver this season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and there are so many holly and jolly events to check out around the city. But there’s no need to blow your budget this holiday season! Get festive with our list of 23 FREE and cheap things to do around Metro Vancouver, including Christmas lights, ice skating, artisan markets, and more. Be sure to check out our Listed section for more fantastic things happening around town. And to stay up to date on everything happening in Metro Vancouver, BC, and beyond, sign up for our newsletters! Lights at Lafarge Lights at Lafarge What: Lights at Lafarge, Metro Vancouver’s largest free outdoor winter lights display, is back again for another holiday season. The annual tradition will illuminate Lafarge Lake in Coquitlam throughout the season, with over 100,000 twinkling lights to enjoy until the end of February. Guests of all ages can explore the outdoor display that wraps its way entirely around the lake, leading them on a 1.2 km loop through themed zones. When: November 22, 2024 until February 2025 Time: Nightly from 4 to 11 pm Where: Town Centre Park – 1299 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam Cost: Free St. Paul’s Hospital Lights of Hope kickoff and fireworks What: The holidays in Vancouver just wouldn’t be as bright without the Lights of Hope, and this year is kicking off with the return of the popular fireworks display. St. Paul’s Foundation’s massive light display outside of St. Paul’s Hospital has been an annual Christmastime tradition and fundraising campaign since 1998. More than 100,000 lights and hundreds of shining stars recognizing the support of generous donors will be officially switched on Wednesday, November 27. And fireworks will commemorate the occasion on opening night. When: November 27, 2024 (lights will be on display until January 3, 2025) Time: 6 to 8 pm for kickoff, nightly throughout the holiday season Where: St. Paul’s Hospital – 1081 Burrard Street, Vancouver Admission: Free The Christmas Store at Potters What: The Christmas Store at Potters is back for its 20th year of delighting shoppers with its opulent holiday displays and festive fun. The most magical place in Metro Vancouver to get inspired for the holidays is now open to the public in Surrey. It features a massive array of decor items, stocking stuffers, and one-of-a-kind gifts. When: November 1 until December 24, 2024 Where: 19158 48th Avenue, Surrey Admission: Free Surrey Tree Lighting Festival and Holiday Market City of Surrey/Submitted What: Holiday festivities are just around the corner and one of our favourite events is helping to kick things off in a big way in the City of Surrey. The 14th annual Surrey Tree Lighting Festival and Holiday Market, presented by Concord Pacific, will be held on November 23 and 24 at Surrey Civic Plaza. The outdoor event will offer plenty of free activities and entertainment for all ages, including live music and dance, food trucks, amusement rides, and more. When: November 23 and 24, 2024 Time: Noon to 8 pm Where: Surrey Civic Plaza – 13450 104th Avenue, Surrey Cost: Free Bright Nights at Stanley Park What: The Christmas Train tickets may be sold out for the season, but there is plenty of family fun and holiday cheer in Stanley Park throughout December. Guests will be treated to stunning light displays during their visit, including returning favourites like the giant red reindeer, a vintage fire truck, and the tunnel of lights in the plaza. The event is also in support of the Burn Fund. When: November 29, 2024, to January 4, 2025 (closed on December 25) Time: 4 to 10 pm Where: Pipeline Road in Stanley Park, via the West Georgia Street park entrance Admission: Train tickets are sold out. Free to visit the holiday lights display and festive activities in the plaza Shipyards Christmas Market What: It’s never too early to think about Christmas, especially when a new festive event is gearing up for its Metro Vancouver debut this fall. The Shipyards Christmas Market is launching in North Vancouver starting on November 29 and running through to December 24. With dozens of artisan stalls, food vendors, and live performers, as well as visits with Santa, and more, it is shaping up to be everything we’ve asked for on our wish list. When: November 29 to December 24, 2024 Time: 11 am to 9 pm (Monday to Thursday), 11 am to 10 pm (Saturday and Sunday), 11 am to 5 pm (December 24) Where: The Shipyards — 125 Victory Ship Way, North Vancouver Cost: Free PNE Winter Fair PNE Winter Fair What: PNE’s popular Winter Fair returns this December, with holiday-themed food and drinks, light displays and live entertainment, and more. The most unique winter fair in BC is presented by BCAA and will run from December 6 to 8 and 12 to 23. It promises to delight guests of all ages once again through the return of familiar favourites like the WinterLights, the enchanting illuminated train, Nutcracker on Ice, Ice Bumper Cars, and more. When: December 6 to 8, and 12 to 23, 2024 Time: 4 to 10 pm Where: Hastings Park – 2901 E Hastings Street, Vancouver Cost: PNE Winter Fair tickets are $7.50-$20 in advance, purchase online. Group rates and BCAA discounted tickets are also available. Holiday Shop at The Polygon Gallery What: The festive season is just around the corner, and The Polygon Gallery is making sure that your holidays are ready to shine bright. The vibrant public art institution in North Vancouver is hosting its annual Holiday Shop from November 13 to January 5. Visitors to The Polygon

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Recently sold Vancouver home loses $820K in just over one year

A recently sold Vancouver home lost some big money in just over a year. The home at 6869 Beechwood Street was listed for sale in September 2023 for $9,998,000, but it didn’t sell for over a year after that last week for $7,281,580. It sold for nearly $3 million under the asking price of $9,998,000. According to Zealty, the home was last sold in May 2023 for $8,100,000, with the same asking price of $9,998,000. That means that between May 2023 and November 2024, there was a loss of $819,420. Zealty says the Beechwood Street home in the Vancouver SouthWest Marine region was built in 2018. It features seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms, and is a sizeable 7,889 sq ft. The lot is quite large, at 11,814 sq ft. Royal Pacific Realty Corp. Royal Pacific Realty Corporation’s listing says the home is an “exquisite mansion” with premium hardwood flooring and European stone throughout. Royal Pacific Realty Corp. It also features an indoor swimming pool, sauna, hot tub, and even golf training equipment, but the listing doesn’t include pictures of the fun stuff. Royal Pacific Realty Corp. The home’s most recent assessed value was $6,702,000. Royal Pacific Realty Corp. After the Vancouver home sold, there was discussion on X surrounding the amount it lost compared to the previous sale. Massive loss of capital. Almost 1 mil. That stings big time. — Law of Reflection (@david_door57003) November 15, 2024 This is another example of a long line of similar sales over the past year, with many owners looking to sell for more than the assessed value but having to bring the price down to snag a buyer. “October sales numbers suggest buyers may finally be responding to lower borrowing costs after waiting on the sidelines for months,” said Greater Vancouver Realtors in last month’s report. Earlier this month, we spoke to Ryan Dash, who works with eXp Realty and is one of the people behind the Vancouver Life Real Estate Podcast ; he also had some thoughts on the current real estate climate. Dash said there’s been a bit of a stalemate, as everyone thought buyers would flood the market after rates went down. Instead, sellers flooded the market. “They wanted to sell and move on and a lot of sellers that wanted to sell a year ago chose not to because interest rates were so high.” After that, inventory wasn’t moving, and sellers kept flooding the market with housing supply. “We’ve seen a lot of buyers sit on the sidelines, and they’re letting sellers compete. Sellers are lowering their prices to try and make buyers come and put a deal together.”