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Fast-Growing Indoor Plants to Brighten Up Your Home in (Almost) No Time

When you want lots of greenery in your home, stat, but don’t want to pay high prices for large houseplants, buying a few fast-growing indoor plants when they’re small can save you a bit of money. Plus, you’ll get a healthier plant long-term because a small plant adjusts quicker to the conditions in your home than a mature plant. This means fewer leaves dropping off your new plants because they’re pitching a fit about the light in your house. Here’s a list of fast-growing houseplants that will go from mini to massive in next to no time. Pothos Bob Stefko Also known as devil’s ivy, pothos (Epipremnum auereum) grows super fast, adding up to a foot a month in the right growing conditions. Indoors, the vines grow up to 5 feet long. You can train them to grow up a moss pole or trellis or put them in hanging container and let the vines trail down. Pothos comes in many varieties, including golden, ‘Marble Queen,’ Neon, N’Joy, and ‘Pearls and Jade.’ All have green leaves dappled with white, yellow, or pale green. These tropical vines are a great pick for houseplant newbies because they’re so easy to grow and thrive in low light. Syngonium Jacob Fox Also known as arrowhead vine, Syngonium podophyllum is a climbing tropical vine native to the rainforests of Mexico and Ecuador. It takes its common name from the shape of its leaves. Syngonium is fast-growing and lush, reaching a mature size of 3-6 feet long and 1-2 feet wide. Give it bright, indirect light and consistent watering, and it will scramble up a moss pole or spill from a shelf as a hanging plant. There are many Syngonium varieties with leaf colors ranging from solid green to variegated types with splashes of white, cream, and pink. For example, ‘Albo Variegata’ has dark green leaves with big splashes of white, and ‘Pink Splash’ has pink leaves with splashes of green. Philodendron Dean Schoeppner This fast-growing climbing tropical vine comes in many different varieties and colors and is easy to grow. Depending on the type, philodendron hits a mature size of between 3-12 feet long. It likes moist, well-drained soil and bright indirect light. It’s tolerant of shade, though, so it’s a good pick for a room where natural light is scarce. One popular type is heart leaf philodendron (shown here). It has deep green leaves shaped like hearts that will trail from a hanging planter or grow up a trellis or bookshelf. Heart leaf philodendron is also forgiving when it comes to watering, bouncing back quickly if you forget to water a time or two. Hoya Marty Baldwin There are around 500 hoya varieties, and not all are fast growers. However, Hoya carnosa, commonly called wax plant, grows so fast that these tropical vines are considered weeds in their native Southeast Asia. As houseplants, they wont’ take over your house, but they can grow several inches a month if you water them regularly and keep them in bright but indirect light. Hoya plants have glossy leaves and produce clusters of star-shaped flowers several times a year. Look for ‘Krimson Princess,’ which has green leaves variegated with pink and white, and ‘Krimson Queen,’ which has white or pink margins on green leaves. Put a hoya in a hanging planter by a sunny window and let its vines trail down, or train them to grow up a bookshelf, window, or archway. Begonia Kindra Clineff Begonias can double in size in two to three weeks, so they’re one of the fastest growing indoor plants out there. Some types of begonias have fancy leaves that feature dots and swirls, and they can bloom at all times of the year. Cane begonias are the speediest growers, and they are dramatic-looking plants that will make a statement in your home. Another striking houseplant is polka dot begonia, which has silver dots on green and red, wing-shaped leaves. It will grow up to 2 feet tall and produce clusters of white flowers. Monstera Elvira Kashapova / Getty Images Big, bold monstera (Monstera deliciosa) is the star of many indoor Instagram jungles, thanks to its iconic fenestrated leaves. When you buy a smaller monstera, the leaves will look completely different because they haven’t yet developed the signature splits and the plant may not be climbing yet. But as a monstera matures, it develops those striking signature leaves, a process that takes around two years. Give monstera medium to bright light and consistent watering, and guide it to grow on a moss or coir pole. It can reach 8-10 feet high and up to 6 feet wide in ideal conditions. Monstera is sometimes called Swiss cheese plant, the same name used for its smaller cousin, Monstera adansonii, which also makes a fast-growing indoor plant. Swiss Cheese Plant Jacob Fox Swiss cheese plant (Monstera adansonii) is named for its heart-shaped leaves that develop holes as the plant matures, reminiscent of Swiss cheese. It’s faster growing than its cousin, Monstera deliciosa, with an average growth rate of one to two feet a year. Indoors it will grow to a mature size of between 3-8 feet. Train it to grow up a moss poll or place a pot of Swiss cheese plant on a shelf and let its vines trail to the floor. Spider Plant Juli Lopez-Castillo Spider plants are among the easiest houseplants to grow because they tolerate both

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10 Best Herbs to Grow Indoors for Fresh Flavors Year-Round

10 Best Herbs to Grow Indoors for Fresh Flavors Year-Round These are the best herbs to grow indoors on a sunny windowsill. Published on November 19, 2024 Photo: Adam Albright When cold temperatures arrive, you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite herbs—you can grow them in your home instead. The best herbs to grow indoors just need a sunny windowsill to add fresh flavors to your cooking and serve as delightfully aromatic houseplants. Whether you want to grow new transplants or bring in plants to overwinter, these are the easiest herbs to grow indoors. Basil Peter Krumhardt It’s easy to grow basil indoors to enjoy all year long. Try growing several types of basil to experience its variety of vibrant scents, colors, and to have this flavorful herb within easy reach when cooking. Water basil regularly and make sure its soil is well-draining so the plant doesn’t develop fungal problems. Harvest basil by pinching off leaves from the top of the plant. Cilantro Dean Schoeppner Grow cilantro indoors from seed to keep a convenient, fresh supply on hand year-round. Plant it on an east-facing windowsill that gets plenty of light in the morning, and in just 30 days its leaves will be ready for harvesting. You can cut cilantro simply by snipping its leaves with kitchen scissors so they don’t get crushed or bruised. Reseed every 2 or 3 weeks and you’ll have a handy fresh crop to preserve or use anytime you need it. Mint Pete Krumhardt Get started growing mint indoors by buying mint transplants instead of seeds. If you already have a mint plant growing outdoors in your garden, you can bring it indoors and repot it to extend the growing season. Propagating mint from cuttings is an additional way to expand your supply of fresh mint. Position your pot on a kitchen windowsill with a southern exposure so that the plant receives four to six hours of bright sunlight daily. Once your plant is at least 4 inches tall, you can start harvesting mint leaves for salads, teas, and spice blends. Oregano Peter Krumhardt Giving oregano plenty of sun on a south- or west-facing windowsill is the key to growing these herbs indoors. Whether you bring this plant inside to overwinter as a houseplant or grow it from nursery-grown transplants, you’ll need to make sure it has well-drained soil. Oregano is sensitive to overwatering, so only water it when the surface of the soil is dry. You can begin harvesting oregano sprigs all around the plant as soon as its stems are at least 4 inches tall. Parsley Dean Schoeppner Growing parsley in pots on a windowsill is easy as long as the plant receives lots of bright, direct light and gets watered regularly. This slow-growing herb takes about 14 weeks to mature, so if you want your plants to be a harvestable size in winter, plant parsley seeds indoors at the end of summer or in early fall. Harvest the plant’s leaves frequently to encourage new growth. It’s best to start a new pot of parsley every month or two for a prolific crop. Rosemary Bob Stefko The easiest way to start growing rosemary indoors is to buy a young potted variety such as compact ‘Blue Boy’ that is ideal for growing indoors. You can also overwinter rosemary cuttings indoors by taking stem cuttings in autumn before frost hits. Grow your potted herb on a kitchen windowsill with a southern exposure or under a grow light during short-day months. To harvest rosemary stems, clip off the top 2 to 3 inches of new, flexible growth from your plant that is at least 6 inches tall. Thyme Peter Krumhardt Growing flavorful thyme indoors is possible if you place this plant on a south-facing windowsill that receives at least six to eight hours of full sun per day. Once thyme is established, you won’t have to worry about giving it a lot of water because it’s a drought-tolerant plant. To harvest thyme without killing the plant, make sure to never harvest more than half the height of the plant at one time. Leave at least 5 inches of stems and green leaves on the plant after harvesting. Chives Edward Gohlich Harvest chives conveniently throughout the year by growing them indoors. The quickest way to grow chives is to use nursery-grown plants. You can also overwinter potted chives that have spent the summer outside. Be sure to put the plant on a south-facing windowsill where the plant receives at least four to six hours of direct sunlight per day. To harvest a few chives for cooking, use scissors to trim the older, outer leaves around the exterior of the plant when the plants are about 6 inches tall. Sage Marty Baldwin Add a little texture to your indoor herb garden with the grayish, wooly leaves of sage. Grow sage on a south- or west-facing windowsill that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. When harvesting sage, choose the younger, smaller leaves on tender stems to give the most flavor to your savory dishes. Lemongrass Peter Krumhardt To easily grow lemongrass indoors, just purchase a fresh stalk of lemongrass from a grocery store and root the stalk in a glass of water before you pot it up. Place your potted lemongrass on a windowsill that receives at least six hours of sun daily. When